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National Agriculture in the Classroom

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Read each question and circle yes if you agree with the statement and think it is true, or no if you disagree with the statement or think it is wrong.

Honey is made by mixing sugar and water.
Bees gather pollen from farmers' orchards fields to make honey.
It is important for farmers to conserve soil and keep it healthy.
Cows convert grass, hay, and other feeds that humans can't eat to produce meat and milk.
Half of the earth's land is suitable for growing crops.
Apples can be grown in a greenhouse.
Hay is green and made from the stems of grains.
Fowl and poultry are words that might be used to talk about chickens.
Grain is the seed of plants like oats, wheat, and rice.
Pumpkins like other squash are harvested in the spring.
Most of us could survive without farmers.
Conservation is using up our resources.
Land preservation is land not used for farming.
Land stewardship is a term used for those who take care of the land.
Soybeans are a very important crop in the United States.
Farming is considered a risky business.
Aquaculture is the practice of raising food in water.
For the following questions, circle the best choice that answers the question.
  1. Agricultural Scientists might work with
    1. bacteria
    2. animals
    3. plants
    4. soils
    5. all of the above
    6. none of the above
  2. Natural resources used by farmers include:
    1. water
    2. soil
    3. air
    4. forests
    5. all of the above
    6. none of the above
  3. Basically, why did the settlers move westward?
    1. to find adventure
    2. to see a new area of the country
    3. to get new land for farming
    4. to get away from the crowded East
  4. Why does a farmer plant cover crops?
    1. to prevent the soil from washing away
    2. to provide pretty blooms
    3. to cover ugly land
    4. to use the farm machines
  5. The change that took place during the Industrial Revolution that affected farming was
    1. development of new foods
    2. increase in plowing with mules
    3. invention of many machines used for farming
    4. movement of people from cities to farms
  6. A specialty farm
    1. raises a variety of crops and livestock
    2. raises or grows only one kind of crop or livestock
    3. raises a variety of animals
    4. is a place of entertainment
  7. Which plant produces fiber for clothing?
    1. soybeans
    2. rice
    3. cotton
    4. corn
  8. Which product provides material for shelter?
    1. corn
    2. trees
    3. rose bushes
    4. sugarcane
  9. The types of crops grown in a region depend upon
    1. climate and soil
    2. climate and equipment
    3. people and soil
    4. equipment and people
  10. The hydroponic method of farming does not include
    1. water
    2. soil
    3. nutrients
    4. plants
  11. Conservation includes
    1. managing the soil wisely
    2. protecting the air
    3. keeping the water clean
    4. all of the above
  12. Since most families do not produce all of their own food, they must get it through a food-marketing system which is the process of getting the food from the farm to the family. Select the correct order of the food-marketing system.
    1. distribution, processing, production, retailing
    2. production, processing, distribution, and retailing
    3. retailing, production, processing, and distribution
    4. production, distribution, processing, retailing
  13. What makes farming such a risky business?
    1. regular income
    2. easy work
    3. unpredictable weather conditions
    4. good market prices
  14. Why is farming an expensive business?
    1. high prices of equipment
    2. cost of seeds and fertilizers
    3. cost of fuel
    4. all of the above
  15. Which of these is not a part of the agribusiness system?
    1. seed and feed store
    2. jewelry store
    3. a dairy
    4. grocery store
  16. How are farm products marketed?
    1. radio and TV commercials
    2. attractive packages
    3. newspaper coupons
    4. all of the above
  17. Which of these products does the United States import?
    1. tea
    2. coffee
    3. bananas
    4. all of these
  18. Why does the United States import chocolate?
    1. people like the taste
    2. it does not grow here
    3. it is used in a variety of food products
    4. all of these
  19. One reason that United States farmers can grow a great variety of crops is that
    1. United States farmers are smarter than any other farmers.
    2. the United States has diverse climates and soils.
    3. the growing seasons are all short.
    4. rainfall in the United States is the same all over the country.
  20. Which of the following is not a major agricultural region of North America?
    1. Coastal Plains
    2. Southeast
    3. Desert
    4. Midwest
  21. How did planting seeds change the way of life for Native Americans 10,000 years ago?
    1. They stopped having to buy their food at the grocery store.
    2. They no longer had to trade their goods for food with European settlers.
    3. They did not have to move on to search for food and began to domesticate animals.
    4. They became the largest producers of wheat in the world.
  22. If you were a Native American living years ago, which of the following would be part of your diet?
    1. Buffalo, berries, soft drinks
    2. Nuts, seeds, berries, meat
    3. Nuts, wheat, pizza
    4. Meat, tacos, milk
  23. All of the following are basic needs except
    1. food and water
    2. shelter
    3. transportation
    4. clothing
  24. Which of the following are examples of natural resources
    1. Radios and televisions
    2. Heavy metal rock bands
    3. Forests and soils
    4. Different kinds of clothing
  25. Which of the following would be the most often used means of transportation for sending a ton of coconuts from Hawaii to China?
    1. Train
    2. Ship
    3. Truck
    4. Jet
  26. We protect our topsoil because
    1. it grows plants
    2. it can wash away
    3. it can blow away
    4. all of these
  27. Which product does the United States export?
    1. wheat
    2. coffee
    3. spices
    4. bananas
  28. Why does the United States export grains?
    1. we have more than we need
    2. there is not enough
    3. we don't like the taste
    4. bread makes us fat
  29. A herbivore is an animal that
    1. sleeps during the day
    2. eats only plants
    3. sleeps all winter
    4. eats only meat
  30. A section of garlic is called a
    1. clove
    2. bulb
    3. slice
    4. piece
  31. Aquatic means
    1. flies
    2. lives in water
    3. lives in trees
    4. earth dweller
  32. Potatoes grow
    1. from flowers
    2. above the ground
    3. in the soil
    4. on trees
  33. A mushroom is what type of plant?
    1. bacteria
    2. a single cell plant
    3. fungus
    4. virus
  34. Which of the following is known as a root crop?
    1. carrots
    2. broccoli
    3. watermelons
    4. tomatoes
  35. Apples are harvested in the
    1. spring
    2. summer
    3. fall
    4. winter
  36. Chickens are fed
    1. hay
    2. grains
    3. meat
    4. fruit
  37. Pickles are made from which farm product?
    1. carrots
    2. potatoes
    3. squash
    4. cucumbers
  38. Eating 5-a-day is said about which food group
    1. grains
    2. fruits and vegetables
    3. meat
    4. milk
  39. What is the name of the area where fruit trees are grown?
    1. garden
    2. field
    3. grocery store
    4. orchard
  40. Tomatoes are the main ingredient in
    1. pizza sauce, ketchup, and spaghetti sauce
    2. pizza sauce, tomato soup, and cranberry sauce
    3. salsa, enchilada sauce, and red jam
    4. ketchup, salad dressing, and salsa
  41. Butter is
    1. ground flower petals
    2. milk fat
    3. milk protein
    4. made from mayonnaise
  42. What kind of corn has multicolored kernels?
    1. popcorn
    2. French corn
    3. Indian corn
    4. Mexican corn
  43. Cabbage can be red, green or
    1. purple
    2. blue
    3. yellow
    4. orange
  44. Bees are important because they
    1. eat mosquitoes
    2. never sleep
    3. help turn flowers into fruit and pollinate plants
    4. work in the winter to make honey
  45. Wool is the hair shorn off a
    1. pig
    2. sheep
    3. goat
    4. cow
  46. Pastures are where you would find
    1. open fenced grassy areas
    2. shopping malls
    3. parks
    4. homes for people
  47. Grapes grow on
    1. shrubs
    2. trees
    3. vines
    4. roots
  48. Most cattle are sold in the ___________ of the year
    1. spring
    2. summer
    3. fall
    4. winter
  49. Wool can also be called
    1. swine
    2. fleece
    3. feathers
    4. scales
  50. Mining along with ____________________ meets the basic need of humans.
    1. computers
    2. cars
    3. agriculture
    4. money
  51. Name one state in the corn belt.
    1. California
    2. Indiana
    3. Florida
    4. Texas
  52. Name one state known for its wheat production.
    1. Kansas
    2. North Carolina
    3. Michigan
    4. Oregon
  53. These products are produced in most states:
    1. milk, apples, bananas
    2. milk, eggs, corn
    3. eggs, wheat, oranges
    4. lettuce, apples, wheat
  54. How can we convert grass into protein for humans to eat?
    1. cut it and eat it
    2. allow cows to graze and then eat beef
    3. cut it and after it is dry, eat it
    4. burn the range grass and plant wheat
  55. Nuts and seeds are a good source of
    1. sugar
    2. protein
    3. salt
    4. carbohydrates
  56. Circle all the subjects that a farmer needs to understand:
    1. soils
    2. weather
    3. plants
    4. chemistry
    5. conservation
    6. business
    7. accounting
    8. animals
    9. reading
    10. math
    11. writing
  57. How is your food produced, processed, and distributed?
  58. What if there were no farmers?
  59. Select one of the following to complete the statement, and write a short paragraph to explain your answer. "Besides producing our food and fiber, agriculture is most important to our nation's _______."
    • History
    • Transportation
    • Future
    • Environment
    • Cities
    • Economy
  60. What could I do as a consumer of food and fiber to keep American agriculture productive?

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