Summary 2023 — Nebraska
State Contact
Nebraska Farm Bureau Foundation
5225 South 16th Street
Lincoln, NE 68512
P: (402) 646-5325
Innovative Programming
The Nebraska Farm Bureau Foundation now supports three positions that have a full-time mission of delivering hands-on lessons that support Nebraska State Standards. This position was added in western Nebraska to grow the reach across the state.
Nebraska's First Lady chose agricultural literacy as her mission during the governor's time in office. She has selected books from Feeding Minds Press and is reading to schools across the state to promote a love for reading and agriculture. The was kicked off with a news conference event at a school.
Making the Connection Conference - hosted the second bi-annual Ag in the Classroom conference. Farmers, ranchers, educators, and professionals were encouraged to attend this one-day conference to gain tools and knowledge to help students and consumers understand how agriculture impacts their everyday life.
Major Program Impacts or Outcomes
Not reported for 2023
Program Leader Biosketch
Courtney Shreve joined the Nebraska Farm Bureau Foundation in May 2014. She graduated from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Agricultural Education-Leadership with minors in Agribusiness and Animal Science. Courtney directs the foundation's statewide agricultural literacy programming including the Nebraska Agriculture in the Classroom Program. She leads curriculum development, teacher engagement, Connecting Chapters, partnership development, and manages the AITC program team. Courtney serves as an expert source of information on agriculture, food and natural resources to students, consumers, educators, and curriculum specialists.
Courtney serves as the National Agriculture in the Classroom Nebraska State Contact and maintains volunteer positions as Chair of the Public Relations Committee for National Agriculture in the Classroom. She was active in FFA and 4-H and remains a volunteer today.
Courtney grew up working in her parent's custom meat processing plant and grew a passion for connecting people to where their food comes from. Today, Courtney resides in Table Rock, NE with her husband, daughter, and son.