Summary 2023 — Louisiana
State Contact

Louisiana Farm Bureau
P.O. Box 95004
Baton Rouge, LA 70895-9004
P: 225.922.6503
Innovative Programming
Our AITC program partnered with a local non-profit agri-educational farm to conduct our first-ever summer Professional Development Event—a one-day immersive STEAgM experience open to all Pre-K-12 educators in our state. Partnering allowed us outdoor classroom space and on-site agricultural learning labs (chicken coop, hydroponics, gardens, pig-sty, etc.) as well as the opportunity to network with the farm's Board of Directors, corporate sponsors, and local Master Gardeners—all of which donated their time and resources to this event. 100 teachers registered from 22 counties state-wide rotated through 20 hands-on stations engaging all of their senses—either creating something, tasting something, or leaving with a pre-made sample for each topic covered. Educators were provided a lesson plan guide for each station including links to at least one full lesson plan correlated to state standards for each grade level. 100% of attendees surveyed reported they would recommend this workshop to fellow educators. 99% reported they would use materials and strategies learned in their classroom. We are already using additional feedback provided to plan for continuing this event next summer with even greater results.
Major Program Impacts or Outcomes
- 90% of workshop attendees indicated their comfort level with teaching agriculture topics increased due to the workshop.
- 85% of workshop attendees said the workshop will influence ways information will be presented in the classroom.
- 98% of workshop attendees would recommend an AITC workshop to other educators.
Program Leader Biosketch
Lynda Danos has served as the Ag in the Classroom State Coordinator for Louisiana Farm Bureau for 25 years
Lynda has been with Louisiana Farm Bureau since 1998. Prior to joining the LFBF staff, Lynda taught high school physical science and biology for ten years.
A native of Thibodaux, Louisiana, Lynda holds a B.S. in science education from Nicholls State University. She is also a graduate of the LSU AgCenter Agricultural Leadership Development Program.
Lynda serves as National Agriculture in the Classroom Organization (NAITCO) Program Leader for Louisiana. She has been active with NAITCO where she has served as the Southern Region Representative, hosted a National Conference and served on various Ad Hoc committees.
Lynda believes strongly in agriculture education. She serves on the Louisiana FFA Foundation Board of Directors. She has also been awarded the Honorary American FFA Degree from the National FFA Organization.
Lynda and her husband, Willie farm in cattle and crawfish in Calcasieu and Jeff Davis parishes.