Summary 2023 — Kentucky
State Contact

Kentucky Farm Bureau Federation
P.O. Box 20700
Louisville, KY 40250-0700
P: 502.495.5000
Innovative Programming
- Over 46,000 students were reached through our Mobile Science Activity Centers, Southland Mobile Dairy Trailer, & Other In-School Student Programs.
- Nearly 950 Teachers participated in Ag literacy professional development workshops.
- Nearly 8,000 students completed the Kentucky Farm 2 School Challenge.
- Kentucky Farms Feed Videos were utilized more than 18,000 times.
- More than 60,000 students from 120 Kentucky counties participated in the 2023 Conservation Tabloid Poster & Essay Contest. Farm Bureau provided the primary sponsorship, planning and tabloid design.
- Over 500 students participated in the Department of Agriculture's Ag Day poster/essay contest.
- Agriculture volunteers celebrated National Ag Day and Kentucky Agriculture Literacy Week in March, by reading American Farm Bureau's "Accurate Ag Book of the Year," in local elementary school classrooms. Over 1,000 books were purchased by county Farm Bureaus. Educator guides were also purchased to strengthen the educational value of these activities.
- Kentucky State Fair visitors (Nearly 600,000) had an opportunity to explore all aspects of Kentucky Agriculture this year at AgLand. This family-friendly, interactive agriculture space showcased over a dozen of Kentucky's commodity groups, allowed hands on experience with the Discovery Farm and farm machinery, and much more. AgLand uniquely represented the diversity of Kentucky agriculture through the participating groups and proud Kentucky farmers. A significant financial investment by the Ag industry is made annually to highlight the true value of Kentucky agriculture.
Major Program Impacts or Outcomes
Outside of pretest and posttest on a few of our lessons, we primarily only have anecdotal evidence which support the efficacy of our efforts. Teachers and educators throughout our state recognize the value of our programs.
Program Leader Biosketch
Scott Christmas holds a B.S. degree in Food and Resource Economics from the University of Florida. He currently serves as the Kentucky Farm Bureau Women, & Ag Education Director. Mr. Christmas is responsible for coordinating education and leadership development for Kentucky Farm Bureau women. These activities include the implementation of Farm Bureau policy goals and objectives with a major emphasis on all agricultural literacy efforts. In this role, he serves as an ongoing Board Member of Kentucky's Ag and Environment in the Classroom, Inc. Mr. Christmas involvement with Ag in the Classroom and other agricultural literacy programs stretches over the past thirty-one years. He previously worked for thirteen years with the Florida Farm Bureau and is currently in his eighteenth year with the Kentucky Farm Bureau.