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Agricultural Literacy Curriculum Matrix

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Lesson Plans (2)

Overfishing and Aquaculture (Grades 3-5)

Students discover the sources of various fish and seafood, compare wild-caught and farm-raised aquaculture systems, and use a simulation to determine how overfishing can damage the ocean ecosystem. Grades 3-5

Overfishing and Aquaculture (Grades 6-8)

Students discover the sources of various fish and seafood, compare wild-caught and farm-raised aquaculture systems, and use a simulation to learn how overfishing can damage the ocean ecosystem. Grades 6-8

Companion Resource (1)

Deep Sea Fish Farming in Geodesic Domes
Learn how fish farming has changed through the years as overfishing and changing water temperatures have impacted the populations of ocean fish. Discover the differences between open ocean aquaculture and inland aquaculture where fish are farmed for food.