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Lesson Plans (9)
Bean Seed Cycle
Students explore how soybeans are grown by farmers, examine seed anatomy through a seed dissection activity, and observe the germination of a soybean plant. Grades K-2
Evaluating Perspectives About GMOs
While many view bioengineered crops (GMOs) as a promising innovation, there is controversy about their use. This lesson provides students with a brief overview of the technology, equipping them with the ability to evaluate the social, environmental, and economic arguments for and against bioengineered crops (GMOs). This lesson covers a socioscientific issue and aims to provide students with tools to evaluate science within the context of social and economic points of view. Grades 9-12
From Soybeans to Car Parts
Students investigate the collaborative work of an agricultural scientist and engineer who found new uses for soybeans and discuss careers in science and engineering, biobased products, and the use of renewable resources. Grades 3-5
Full of Beans: Henry Ford Grows a Car
Students identify the variety of soybeans uses for human consumption, livestock feed, and industrial products, explain how key historical events affected soybean production in the United States, and create a bioplastic made from soybeans. Grades 3-5
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and Organic Foods
Students will determine the presence of DNA in their food by extracting it from a strawberry. Then, students will compare and contrast GMOs and organic foods in order to evaluate the nutrition, safety, economic, geographic, and environmental impacts of these agricultural production practices. Grades 9-12
Grow it Now, Drive it Later?
Students will discover potential careers in agriculture with a focus on the growing field of biofuel development. Grades 6-8
Oilseed Crops
Students investigate a variety of oilseed crops, discover how and where they are grown, and explore their nutritional benefits. Grades 3-5
The Science of GMOs
Students will map the scientific process of creating a bioengineered (GMO) plant, compare bioengineered soybean seeds to conventional soybean seeds, describe the impact weeds have on plant growth, and understand how a bioengineered seed can help farmers manage weeds. Grades 9-12
Topsy-Turvy Soybeans
Students observe how plants respond to gravity by germinating soybeans in a CD case and rotating the case as they grow. Grades 3-5
Companion Resources (11)
Auntie Yang's Great Soybean Picnic
Auntie Yang starts an enduring picnic tradition when she discovers soybeans, a dearly-missed food from China, growing in Illinois. The picnic tradition quickly grows into an annual community celebration. Based on actual events, this story can be used to teach about soybeans, immigration, diversity, culture, and community. The book includes some simple Chinese words defined in a glossary at the back as well as additional information about the people who inspired the story and additional information about soybeans.
Full of Beans: Henry Ford Grows a Car
With a mind for ingenuity, Henry Ford looked to improve life for others. After the Great Depression struck, Ford especially wanted to support ailing farmers. For two years, Ford and his team researched ways to use farmers' crops in his Ford Motor Company. They discovered that the soybean was the perfect answer. Soon, Ford's cars contained many soybean plastic parts, and Ford incorporated soybeans into every part of his life. He ate soybeans, he wore clothes made of soybean fabric, and he wanted to drive soybeans, too.
My Family's Farm Book Series
Learn through the eyes of young farmers how animals are cared for, crops are raised, and renewable resources are used as they take you for a tour of their family's farm. This digital book series includes titles for beef, corn, soybeans, wind (energy), pigs, and apples.
My Family's Soybean Farm
Alexander lives on a soybean farm. What's a soybean farm and what's it like to live there? Join Alexander on his family's farm as he shows us how soybeans grow, are harvested, and are used.
GM Leaf Test Kit
This laboratory activity demonstrates the difference between a conventional soybean plant and a genetically modified Roundup Ready® soybean plant. Students will use a leaf sample from both plant varieties to test for the presence of the
CP4 EPSPS protein.
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GM Soybean Seed Kit
Provide a hands-on experience for students to compare conventional soybean seeds to genetically modified Roundup Ready® soybean seeds. This kit includes conventional soybean seeds, GM soybean seeds, and the testing materials to indicate which seed contains the protein responsible for making Roundup Ready® soybeans tolerant to the herbicide glyphosate.
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Grains and Legumes of the World
This hands-on activity explores grains and legumes common in global agricultural production—barley, dent corn, popcorn, oats, rice, wheat, soybeans, lentils, and pinto beans. Students create their own journals that include important facts, descriptions, and samples of the seeds of these crops. Teachers can use the information to expand students’ knowledge of agriculture while connecting to lessons in social studies and science. This kit contains enough seeds for a classroom of students. A master copy of the grains and legumes information cards is also included.
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Living Necklace Kits
Grow your own necklace! These kits contains enough materials for a classroom of students to make a living necklace. Plant a seed in a mini Ziploc, and after a few days, and some water, the necklace will be alive with growing sprouts - baby plants for students to observe.
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Oilseeds Flowchart
This three-page informational sheet describes the process of how oilseed crops are grown and harvested, how the products get from the farm to the store, and nutrition facts. Words and graphics are used to portray this information for canola, cottonseed, peanuts, soybeans, and sunflower seeds.
Print your own or order a set of 30" x 8" printed charts from
Teacher Reference
Genetically Engineered Crops in the United States Report
Despite the rapid increase in the adoption of genetically engineered (GE) corn, soybean, and cotton varieties by US farmers, questions persist regarding their economic and environmental impacts, the evolution of weed resistance, and consumer acceptance. This report examines issues related to three major stakeholders in agricultural biotechnology: GE seed suppliers and technology providers (biotech firms), farmers, and consumers.
Journey of a Gene
This website engages students in the genetic engineering process in a problem and solution format. The video series describes a plant disease in soybeans and then illustrates the steps in genetic engineering that could be employed to develop seeds that are resistant to the disease.