Hilmar Cheese Company Virtual Video Tour
10-minute video for elementary students to learn about the dairy industry. They visit the dairy farm and the processing plant where they learn about pasteurization and cheese making.
Hilmar Cheese Company
Lessons Associated with this Resource
- FoodMASTER Middle: Cheese
- It's a MOO-stery! (Grades K-2)
- FoodMASTER: Milk and Cheese
- It's a MOO-stery! (Grades 3-5)
- Mix It Up! Food Scientist
- Cowabunga! All About Dairy Breeds
- Milk Makin' Math
- Cheesemaking: A Science, an Art, and a Craft
- From Cow to Carton: Milk's Journey to the Consumer
- Say Cheese for Protein
- Enzymes and Bacteria are Whey Cool!
- Cheesemaking: From Liquid to Solid
- Science You Can Eat